Colour Palette
1. Accent [Buttons etc]
2. Alt Accent [Hover]
#CFB87E B79736
3. Dark Text
Pickled Bluewood
4. Default Text
Shuttle Gray
5. Light Text
6. Dark Background
7. Medium Background
Catskill White
8. Light Background
9. Paper
Items above and below managed in Customize > Colors & Fonts
Font Pairing: Barlow Semi Condensed/
Heading Default:
Roboto Condensed (Bold)
Sizes/line heights as shown ->
Base Font:
Font size: 17px
Line height: 1.35em
Font weight: 400 (regular)
H1 Heading 48px / 1.25 em Barlow Semi Condensed Medium. H1 Heading goes here
Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link.
H2 Heading 40px / 1.2em Barlow Semi Condensed. Heading goes here.
Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link.
H3 Heading 32px / 1.25em Barlow Semi Condensed. H3 Heading goes here. H3 Heading goes here.
Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link.
H4 Heading 24px / 1.25em Barlow Semi Condensed Regular 400. H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here. H4 Heading goes here.
H5 Heading 20px / 1.35em Barlow Semi Condensed 400 Regular. H5 Heading goes here. H5 Heading goes here. H5 Heading goes here. H5 Heading goes here.
H6 Heading 17px / 1.25em Roboto 500 Medium. H6 Heading goes here. H6 Heading goes here. H6 Heading goes here. H6 Heading goes here. H6 Heading goes here.
Page Title: 48px / 1.15em Uppercase barlow semi condensed 300 Light w/ 2px Letterspacing.
Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text.
This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote. This is a blockquote.
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- Bulleted List Item
- Bulleted List Item
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